Camelback mountain is one of the most quintessential things to do in Phoenix and is even on the ultimate Phoenix bucket list. Not many places in the USA is there a mountain in the middle of a city with incredible views.
It is a strenuous hike in the middle of Scottsdale offering 360 views of Phoenix, nature, and of course great dreamhouse as well as people watching. There is also a secret cave you have to check out that not many people know about!Camelback is the Runyon Canyon of Phoenix as it is the place to “be seen” while also getting a workout in. It is the perfect hike to do in the morning then drive a few minutes to brunch in downtown Scottsdale, both of which I highly recommend.
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Do not take this hike lightly as even without the Phoenix heat it is a tough hike. Add in 90+ degrees and I don’t recommend it for someone without a good level of fitness. If you are not in really good shape, I would avoid this hike in an Arizona summer.
What side of Camelback Mountain is the best? What Side of Camelback is the hardest?
I have hiked both sides 100x and like both for different reasons. One is lengthier but less burn on the muscles. One is inside the canyon more and one has views of the city the entire way up. And, one has a secret cave that you MUST see.
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Tip: wondering how much longer you have left? The trail posts along the way have charts on them letting you know how many miles you have gone and the elevation. If you are struggling continue to check those to see where you are at.
Echo Trail
When I do it myself I’ll do Echo Canyon for the workout and it’s more direct so you are up and down quicker. With that said, being more direct it is definitely harder due to it being significantly more steep.
Echo Canyon you will find yourself going pretty directly up hand over foot 6-7x. The hike is no joke and Parks & Rec have added significantly more signage and park rangers warning people of the dangers of hiking up in the heat. There was a time when multiple people would die each year from the hike.
Cholla Trail
However, when I bring people in town visiting, I will do Cholla. Cholla is not as intense and you have better views throughout the hike. Echo you immersed in canyons throughout the hike and there are only a few views. Where Cholla you are exposed the entire time and peer over the city the entire way.
Cholla is less intense but it is stretched out over a longer distance, so it will be easier strength wise but will take longer to do. Both have their good sides but it just depends what kind of hike you want and how much time you have.
Click Here For The Phoenix Bucket List: 16 Things You Have To Do
Where is the Camelback Mountain Cave?
The secret cave is located on the Echo side .08 miles up at the hiking post #20. The trail goes to the right but if you look to the left… you will see the marks of a lesser known trail up towards the “bees warning” sign.
Walk up that way and within 10 seconds you will wrap around to the beautiful cave. I do hate to ruin the secret but I want everyone to see as much of unique and beautiful Arizona as you can! Take a little break in the cave and soake in the beautiful view.The cave also has historical significance as it was a sacred site used by the Hohokam Culture before they abandoned the area in the 14th century.
loved your writeup, I have hiked it over 20 times (We even filmed the ending to a feature film on the summit) and I never saw that cave. Now that you have “outed” it I am sure it will be on everyone’s instagram.
Also for your readers FYI , as of 09\02\23 it is now ILLEGAL to hike this mountain between 9am-5pm ANYTIME a heat warning is in effect for the valley, which is like everyday of the summer.
I feel that this is a good step towards keeping the “idiots” you pointed out in your writeup, off the mountain. If they will not listen to reason, perhaps they will listen when their wallets get hit with a fine for trespassing when a park ranger catches them in the boundaries when its off limits.
I love Camelback, its one of the only truly awesome things in this desert.
Thanks Again!